New demo is here! Bye bye prototype and welcome Alpha demo!

Hi everyone!

We're proud to announce you that our studio is finally founded! You can call us Devs Must Die from now on!

We're also releasing our last 4 months of work : the alpha demo of the new Skybolt Zack!

Some of you may know that the game that was previously hosted here was a game we made during our studies as final year project. It tooks us several weeks of work to develop this new version from scratch, with a much better code that we will be able to keep working on!

This means better framerate on may configs, new options, a key binding config and a leaderboard that actually work, many changes in level design and gameplay rebalancing, but also a new character design for Zack!

We hope you will try this new version and love it as much as we do!

We will probably tweak it some more in the next months, so feel free to check sometimes if there's anything new here :)

Thanks for supporting us and keep on playing!

Files 345 MB
Sep 08, 2017

Get Skybolt Zack

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